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Ahmaad Duff, outfielder from the University of Alabama
“I’m looking forward to becoming a better player but also meeting new baseball players and just the connections and memories I know I’m gonna make through the season.”
Rohne Klein, infielder from the University of Utah
“I am looking forward to playing in a location that I have never been to, and becoming part of the Cropdusters family.”
Noah Greenseid, right handed pitcher from The University of Notre Dame
“I’m looking forward to meeting these guys from all over the country and competing with them all summer long.”
Returning player: Brian Scott, outfielder from Frostburg State University.

“My favorite memory would be our Fourth of July game. Playing in the USA jerseys and getting to watch the fireworks post game was definitely one of my favorite memories.”

Egan Lowery, right handed pitcher from The University of Alabama.

“I’m looking forward to growing as a player and dominate with the Cropdusters.”